Friday, December 18, 2009

Brandon Dunn to visit UK this weekend

Brandon Dunn (Louisville, KY) will be visiting UK this weekend and is expected to commit to the Cats during his visit according to Rob Gidel. Dunn is listed at 6'3" and 256 lbs. He can play either defensive end or defensive tackle. The UK coaching staff plans to use him at defensive tackle.


  1. We need him--especially since he has production numbers from the DT Spot.

    Wonder if the CATS expect some of the Dlinemen from previous classes not to make it to spring? That could be why all the D-Linemen for this class (M Walker?)

    I think C Burden slides in or goes to OLine and possibly P Ligon too


  2. Also, I bet McAdoo wimps out


  3. I believe in the coaches. They know who they want. The coaches were making a push for Jared Morse (Vandy commit). Sounds like he is sticking with Vandy. I too have doubt about McAdoo coming to UK.

  4. I hear it was official last night!!

    Way to go CATS!!!

