Sunday, November 29, 2009

Joker on the hot seat already?

John Clay has an interesting article on UK's Joker Phillips. In the article, Clay points out Joker is on the hot seat before he takes over as head coach. Rich Brooks is going to retire, whether it's this year or next, only Rich Brooks knows for sure.

After the game, I heard several fans wanting Joker to take over now, so that he would stop the play calling. On Sunday, I heard similar comments on sports radio in Lexington. The Tennessee loss should not fall on Joker. The future head coach called the plays he felt would win the game. Most everyone feels that Randall Cobb should have stayed at quarterback on the last drive. It's a valid arguement and easy to second guess now. Personally, I was dissapointed that Cobb didn't touch the ball in overtime. Regardless, if Newton scores Joker looks like a genius.

Coaches coach and players play. The team didn't execute the called plays properly. It's not Joker's fault that Derrick Locke didn't block correctly, it's not his fault that Morgan Newton didn't cut back to the inside. How can Joker take the blame for Cobb's fumble which lead to a UT field goal? How does Joker take the blame for Newton's fumble and bad throws?

Joker Phillips has been great for the football program at Kentucky. Anyone that thinks differently is allowing thier emotions to get the best of them. Rich Brooks has breathed life into an almost dead football program. Joker Phillips has been a huge part of that success and will be the one to take the football program to the next level.

Feel free to comment.


  1. Rich Brooks is the coaching equivalent of pyrite. In the eyes of some myopic and eternally optimistic Kentucky fans he is gold. But it's nothing more than "fool's gold." In the Kingdom of the Blind, the Man with One Eye Is King. Rich Brooks lifetime coaching record is a losing record. At Oregon, in the NFL, at Kentucky. He will retire with a losing record. Do not mistake motion for moving forward. Granted, along the way he managed a handful of memorable victories. But only a handful. A drop of water for a program begging for true thirst-quinching. Brooks is not blazing new trails. There was a time when Kentucky did beat teams like Tennessee and Florida. Brooks' record against SEC East teams is abismal. When UK Athletics finally decides to hire a true motivator, strategist, and forward-thinking coach--and not simply someone strolling towards retirement, football at Kentucky may actually become a real sport and not just a preoccupation to pass the time until basketball season starts.

  2. The above is bull and the guy who wrote it knows it. Rich Brooks has done something NEVER achieved at Kentucky. Never by any coach we have had. No one.
    Kentucky has gone to more bowl games in a row than any UK team ever. They have won 7 games in a row for the first time in 100 years.
    Do I wish they would have won 10 games a year in the last 4, yes, is that
    Quit your whining and support the team. I am proud if UK Football. I always want more, but I am proud they are doing it right. Go support Arkansas if you want a coach who does it with thugs. It isnt happening here!

  3. For the first poster, keep in mind that while Brooks has averaged almost 7.5 wins a season over the last four years and will take UK to their fourth consecutive bowl game, UK averaged 4.48 wins a season over the last fifty years. Funny thing is, I bet that when Brooks went 9-25 over his first three seasons, you said he did not win enough. Now you cite his record against SEC East opponents. In your world, Brooks wins four, he should have won five. He wins seven, should have won nine. Goes to four bowl games in a row and the bowls aren't good enough. Go root for Florida football. Or USC. Or Texas. Just go somewhere else.

  4. There is another thing the first comment is over looking. At the time of Brooks hire, wo would have taken the UK job? It is not like the football program has the same luster as the basketball. Plus, we were on probation with diminished schollys. That was devastating. Brooks has a losing record in college because he rebuilt programs. If you don't see what he has done as progress, I honestly don't know what to tell you.

    As far as Joker, I think he is very good. He clearly adjusts his play calling to his talent as can be seen by what he did last year and this compared to the Woodson years. Yes, he has been conservative with Newton, but I think we saw on Saturday that Newton was not quite ready to be let off the leash yet. He missed several open looks by over throwing. I think he will be good and look forward to watching the bowl and seeing him come into his own next year.
